Encounter in Motion – a Stop Motion Workshop

Have you ever been curious about how animations and stop motions are created? In this 2-day workshop, we will go through the different steps of creating a short stop motion film and will also practice magical techniques of stop motion. We will also work in pairs to collaboratively create a story using the stop motion technique.  Procedure: The first meeting will take place online on Zoom, where you will learn

The Meaning of Life

For a very, very long time, humanity has been trying to find out what the meaning of life actually is.
In the workshop, we want to philosophise about this topic and, during that process, gain insights into some of the intellectual approaches of philosophers…

Picturing Encounters 2020 Art Show

The vernissage of our exhibition ‘Picturing Encounters’ took place on September 17th 2020. It was a pleasant evening during which visitors were able to enjoy the works of our artists. The works presented are the result of a 3-weeklong intense collaborative process, during which storytellers and illustrators worked together to create an illustrated story. In the exhibition you will be able to appreciate the illustrations, read the stories and hear

Planting flower bulbs in the Tempelhof library garden

Dear gardening friends, Following up on our first urban gardening workshops in July 2020, we invite everyone who is interested to a collective flower bulb action in autumn! On Thursday, October 8th, 2020 from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the garden of the district central library (Bezirkszentralbibliothek) in the Eva-Maria-Buch-Haus, Götzstr. 8 | 10 | 12, 12099 Berlin. We will exchange our knowledge about flower bulbs and insect meadows and enrich the garden with some colourful spring surprises. Participation is free.

Photography workshop on womxn leadership

In this 4-day photography workshop, we will create a series of portraits on womxn leaders. As we follow the traces of female photographers and womxn leaders, we learn techniques of visual storytelling and experiment with practical exercises. Throughout the workshop, participants develop their personal project and present it in a collaborative exhibition. Information:• Participation is free• Any woman above the age of 18 is welcome• Bring your own camera or phone• No previous knowledge in photography

Making of „ Cuddly – Toy Sleepover – The Movie”

Ina Schebler During an in-house workshop at the Tempelhof Schönebergcity library, employees learned about everything they can do with EncountersMedia Workshop’s photo, video and sound equipment. After an introduction to the basics of photography and filming, and exercises with studio lights and various microphones, the participants developed their own project; a film called “Cuddly-ToySleepover –The Movie”. Over the next day and a half, they collectively produced videos, photos and sound recordings, and learned how to edit them together with Adobe

How Big Is Your Monster?

Encounters Media Workshop invites little storytellers with big imaginations! We invite children between the ages of six and ten to participate in the project “My Monster”.  The event takes place on 19 September 2020 from 1 – 3 PM. In this two-hour workshop, we use collage techniques to create colourful monsters and then think about what they are called, what powers they have and from where they might come. The

Kiezstory workshop No. 4: “back on the street”, or: “what impact has Corona had in our neighbourhoods”

This time around, our film workshop “Kiezstories” is looking for participants who are interested in making a 10-minute film with us. This documentary will explore what effects and changes have taken place in our neighbourhoods since the lockdown. The film will be a collage of different neighbourhood experiences. A total of four different teams will each produce two minutes’ worth of film in one neighbourhood. Are all the shops still

Picturing Encounters: a Workshop for Storytellers and Illustrators!

The workshop invites storytellers and illustrators from any background or nationality to participate, meet and work together in the project “Picturing Encounters”. Everybody, who wants to share a short story related to the encounter between different lifeworlds (migration, refugee, travel experiences, encounters between generations, neighbors, human/non-human encounters etc. ) is invited to present his or her story or to write it down. It could be a love story, funny or

How can I tell stories to my children interactively?

A live online storytelling workshop series with Pinar Özütemiz Storytelling is serious fun.  There are plenty of good stories in your library, and you could just enjoy reading them with or to your children. But don’t you want to do something more? In this workshop, you can explore how to create an interactive storytelling session with your children.  How can you enter the fictional world of stories? How can you

#DevelopingNewEncounterProjects – The 2020 Medienwerkstatt Encounters Kick-Off Workshop

Sarah Fichtner, translated from German by Joanna Mitchell photos and videos by Ina Schebler Inspiration and exchange, new ideas, creativity, good mood, having fun, networking and collaboration – these are only a few of the keywords that remained in the group room of the Mittelpunktbibliothek Berlin-Schöneberg after the kick-off workshop participants had left. For the participants of the workshop on March 7th 2020, these were terms that characterised the workshop,

Workshop: The Art of Storytelling – Part II

Would you like to go on a journey to the imaginary world of storytelling? Have you ever met your inner storyteller?  Are you ready to suprise yourself with your ability to play and improvise?  This two day workshop builds on the workshop: “An Introduction to the Art of Storytelling”, but is also open for newcomers. It targets adults with an interest in traditional narratives such as folk tales, fairy tales and myths. We will explore together the

Kick-off workshop: the Encounters media workshop marketplace

multiperspective – multilingual –shared – experimental – creative – critical The workshop is for everyone who is interested in getting to know the Encounters media workshop and for those who are already involved in our network. Would you like to participate in the workshops, events or publications on our website (www.encounter-blog.com) and in our print magazine? Have you already been to one of our workshops and do you have ideas in

The ‘beautiful disease of Berlin’ OR reflections on the workshop ‘An Introduction to the Art of Storytelling’

by Pinar Ozutemiz Please note that there is another storytelling workshop by Pinar Ozutemiz coming up in 2020. Check our calendar and reserve your place: contact-english@encounter-blog.com In the city of Berlin – that we all secretly love so much – it is very easy to get disappointed by its quick, isolated, alienated, ‘online/offline’, stressful post-modern lifestyle. Sometimes, we have the tendency to feel that our dreams have just rested for

I’ll paint the world the way I like it!

Children are unpredictable. And we mean it in a positive way. That is also why our purpose to give children an understanding for children’s rights wasn’t entirely achievable. Nevertheless, during the opening celebration of the Mittelpunktbibliothek Schöneberg and, two weeks later, in the context of the Tempelhof-Schöneberg library’s family night, we spent two wonderful afternoons dedicated to painting pictures of so-called “feel-good-places”. The idea of “feel-good-places” emerged in dialogue with


Kiez Stories Film Workshop

Kiez Stories Film Workshop Film your own episode of the web series “Kiez Stories“ This workshop addresses anyone interested in filmmaking and/or story telling! During 5-6 days a professional film crew will assist you in producing a short film about a person, a place or an event in your neighbourhood/your quarter (= your “Kiez”). Participation is free of charge! Please register until 7th May 2020 via email to: contact-english@encounter-blog.com Your

Workshop: An Introduction to the Art of Storytelling

Would you like to go on a journey to the imaginary world of storytelling? Have you ever met your inner storyteller? Are you ready to suprise yourself with your ability to play and improvise?   This two day workshop targets adults with an interest in traditional narratives such as folk tales, fairy tales and myths. We will explore together the methods of telling a story through visualization techniques, improvisation, playfulness

Workshop: Women tell stories through photography

Description: This photo workshop brings women of different backgrounds together. It creates a space to share their experiences and to find their own language to translate stories into images. During the workshop, we will learn about photography techniques, discuss the work of women photographers from different parts of the world and develop a personal project for a group exhibition. Information: Participation is free Any woman above the age of 18

M.A.D. Stories – Workshop

“M.A.D. Stories” A Public Anthropology Workshop  about More-than-German Encounters with the (German) Language When:  Samstag, 17. August 2019, 12:00-15.00 Uhr Where:  Mittelpunktbibliothek Schöneberg “Theodor-Heuss-Bibliothek”, Hauptstr. 40, 10827 Berlin M.A.D. Stories is a public anthropology workshop open to anyone interested in discussing more-than-German encounters with the (German) language in Berlin, elsewhere, and everywhere. If you have a story to tell about your more-than-German (M.A.D.) encounters with the (German) language, you are welcome to join

A report about our kick-off workshop

Our kick-off workshop marks a new collaborative endeavour: the Medienwerkstatt Encounters project in partnership with the public library Tempelhof-Schöneberg. Our common vision is to make city libraries central places of encounters, where people with various interests and backgrounds come together and shape an active media-savvy community. The workshop introduced and offered space for discussing and experimenting with the ways we work: multi-perspective, critical, reflective. We met on a sunny Saturday

Picturing Encounters: a Workshop for Storytellers and Illustrators!

The workshop invites storytellers and illustrators from any background or nationality to participate, meet and work together in the project “Picturing Encounters”. Everybody, who wants to share a short story related to the encounter between different lifeworlds (migration, refugee, travel experiences, encounters between generations, neighbors, human/non-human encounters etc. ) is invited to present his or her story or to write it down. It could be a love story, funny or