Private individuals can get one printed issue of the Encounter magazine free of charge. The new edition is available in all locations of the Tempelhof-Schöneberg district library: In the Mittelpunktbibliothek in Schöneberg, the Thomas-Dehler library, the Bezirkszentralbibliothekin Tempelhof, the Stadtteilbibliothek Lichtenrade, the Medienhaus Marienfelde and in the mobile library bus.

The magazine can also be ordered per post by sending an email with your address to:
Institutions can order several copies of the magazine for € 3 each:

„Encounter means to meet in the middle” is the slogan on the title page of our magazine which can be read in four different languages: Arabic, Farsi, English, German. This time we have included Turkish as a fifth language in our inlay. The texts, illustrations and photo stories in the Encounter magazine deal with encounters: encounters with the German language, encounters with one’s own (his)story, with other people’s stories, fates and ambitions; encounters over and with food; encounters in libraries, in garden allotments, with hands – and with shoes; and they deal with movements and migration, such as the migration history of cities. You got curious? Then get your copy!