Judith Albrecht, Germany
Lena Tvorit, Russian
How to deal with children of a neo-Nazi, 2019
Permanent markers
Judith Albrecht
Judith Albrecht works as a social anthropologist and documentary filmmaker in Germany and abroad. For her fieldwork and film projects she spent long periods of time in Iran, Tanzania and Malawi. After the Libyan revolution she started to work with the Libyan women’s movement in Benghazi. The thematic focus of her work is gender and religion, social movements, conflict, violence and memory. As the co-founder of the project groups“Deutsch im Asyl” and “Memos e.V.” sheemploys diverse approaches in the investigation of social and political upheavals and the impact they have on the life stories and biographies of the people involved. Her recent research project focuses on “Grief, trauma and social justice in Germany”.
Lena Tvorit
Lena is a Russian artist and urban sketcher based in Berlin and Freiburg, Germany. She loves unveiling tales of different cities and their inhabitants by capturing them on paper. Architecture and city silhouettes play a leading role in her drawings; however, she also gets inspired by people around her and the stories of their lives. You can find different series of drawings from European cities like Budapest, Berlin andRome on her website. She recently started a new project called “Berlin Stories” where she portrays the people living in the German capital and illustrates the stories they have to tell.
Instagram @lena_tvorit