Workshop „How big is your monster?“

In the course of a two-hour workshop titled “how big is your monster?”, children between the ages 6 and 10 created colourful collages in the
public library Tempelhof Schöneberg.
After a short introduction to the technique, the children unleashed their imagination onto what was, for some, their very first collage – and had a
lot of fun in the process. The result is a row of wonderful images of monsters. In the second step, the children interviewed their monsters to find out details such as their names and superpowers.
On September 26th 2020, the collages were exhibited for the Familiennacht (Long Night of Families), in the central library Schöneberg
(„Theodor-Heuss Bibliothek“). Visitors could admire 8 images of monsters with extraordinary features – some with 15 eyes, others that can spit
water or snap at other monsters with its hair.

The exhibition is located in the childrens’ library section, where it can be visited during regular opening hours.

Toni by Alisa Retter

Alisa Retter, 10 years

  1. What is your monster’s name?
  2. What does your monster do?
    It gives good dreams to small children. Its favorite meal is Pizza
  3. What super powers do your monster have?
    It brings good sleep to children
  4. Where does it live and what does its house look like?
    It lives under the bed of small children and is at home everywhere
Hilda, Cali, Ova, Mac by Anindita Bagchi

Anindita Bagchi, 7 years

  1. What are your monster’s names?
    Hilda, Cali, Ova, Mac
  2. What do your monsters do?
    They are flying around and giving people nightmares
  3. What super powers do your monsters have?
    They can give people nightmares, they can fly, they can glow in the dark and they have flying hairs
  4. Where do they live and what do their houses look like?
    They live in a colorful cave in the mountains in a hidden rainbow garden on earth.
Luna by Anvi Bayangari

Anvi Bayangari, 7 years

  1. What is your monster’s name?
  2. What does your monster do?
    It helps people and likes looking at the moon
  3. What super powers do your monster have?
    It can fly, run very fast and see in four dimensions
  4. Where does it live and what does its house look like?
    It lives in a mountain on Earth
Lilli by Emilia Mortlock

Emilia Mortlock, 7 years

  1. What is your monster’s name?
  2. What does your monster do?
    It snaps monsters with its hair
  3. What super powers do your monster have?
    It can go through walls and can smell very good
  4. Where does it live and what does its house look like?
    It lives in an underground moon crater
Fabio by Lena Rathgeber

Lena Rathgeber, 6 years

  1. What is your monster’s name?
  2. What does your monster do?
    My monster loves to draw on walls and swim
  3. What super powers do your monster have?
    It can turn water into ice, fire into lava and lightning into light and it can fly
  4. Where does it live and what does its house look like?
    It lives in a spiky mountain forest on Mercury. His house is made of lava and his bed is made of shark teeth
Maxi by Lino Marion

Lino Marion, 7 years

  1. What is your monster’s name?
  2. What does your monster do?
    It looks for meat
  3. What super powers do your monster have?.
    It can fly, shoot lightning and spit water
  4. Where does it live and what does its house look like?
    It lives on Mars in the mountains with his family
Sparkles by Lucia Leis-Schrage

Lucia Leis-Schrage, 7 years

  1. What is your monster’s name?
  2. What does your monster do?
    Sparkles can fly from Germany to the North Pole
  3. What super powers do your monster have?
    It can shoot laser with his 15 eyes and it could read people`s minds
  4. Where does it live and what does its house look like?
    South Pole. The house is made out of ice but inside everything is nice and dry, and colorful
Gulli Mulli Dulli by Milos Nara Stodulka

Milos Nara Stodulka, 7 years

  1. What is your monster’s name?
    Gulli Mulli Dulli
  2. What does your monster do?
    It often stays in his cave and waits until an attacker comes
  3. What super powers do your monster have?
    It can stretch out mega-wide and with that trap larger animals in a snare
  4. Where does it live and what does its house look like?
    It lives in a cave in the mountains, completely hidden in a canyon